PO Box 658 (147 Faulkner St.) Armidale NSW. 2350 Australia.
International Phone No 61 (0)67 711055 Fax 61 (0)67 711050.
All rights reserved
First published 1995
Graphics Explosion Deluxe is a trademark of New Horizons Educational Computing Services.
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Kudo is a registered trademark of Imspace Systems Corporation.
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To the extent that New Horizons Educational Computing Services is able to authorise use of copyright material and subject to the qualifications noted above, permission is granted for purchasers to incorporate up to 10 images (50 images in the full non demo version of the product) in any one electronic or printed publication for private, commercial or educational use, but not incorporation of images in electronic media, or written materials associated with electronic media, for resale as clip art image collections or where reproduction of images constitutes the major feature of the publication.
If the publication is to be in general circulation, whether for profit or non profit, and it contains in excess of 5 images (15 images in the full product), then New Horizons Educational Computing Services requires that a prominent notice be placed in the publication acknowledging the source and copyright of the images.
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New Horizons Educational Computing Services has made all reasonable efforts to ascertain the identity of copyright owners of previously published material included in this collection and to obtain appropriate copyright clearances. If you are aware of any relevant copyrights which we have not cleared, please contact New Horizons Educational Computing Services and any necessary clearances will be promptly executed.
Limited Warranty
New Horizons Educational Computing Services will replace defective documentation or media on which this software is distributed at no cost, provided the item to be replaced is returned with proof of purchase to New Horizons Educational Computing Services or their agent during the 30 day period after the software is purchased. New Horizons Educational Computing Services makes no warranty or representation either express or implied with respect to the enclosed software, its quality, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. As a result, this software is sold "as is", and you, the purchaser are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance.
All rights reserved. Imspace Systems and Kudo are registered trademarks and Kudo CD Publisher, Kudo Image Browser are trademarks of Imspace Systems Corporation.
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